Thursday, October 22, 2015

Blog Session 6: How green are you?

Almost every time, the people begin learn about environmentally friendly practices in their families, basically in early ages. The principal practices of this, is recycling, in my period of high school I know this practice, but don’t practice, because I think that this is very unnecessary and although too much people does and I considered that not worth my attention. In Santiago is very popular and many hippies studies joined in this crusade. In my view, there are different ways to help environment. The uses of bicycle for example, this transport help to avoid traffic, keeps you healthy and the most important you do sport. Generally the majority of the youth are use bicycle for transported in Santiago. Never in my life, I joined in Eco-organizations, because this practice not realized in my city (Curico). I would like learn forms of reduce my carbon footprint, because I don’t idea about this topic although this is will be very important in my future hippie life. In my view, Santiago is the most important city in our country in this topic, but is also the city’s biggest polluter. The principal factor of contamination is the great industries, the majority of this localized around of capital and cause environmental pre emergency’s. But in this country the culture of Green is not considered for the majority of the population and only people of Santiago it is aware.